Rainmeter includes several basic starter skins to help you begin, but the majority of the community creates and shares skins that you can install on your system.
You can place these skins on your desktop and customize them to align with your current system’s theme, allowing you to create something unique and personalized.

deviantArt hosts one of the largest online repositories of Rainmeter resources. Explore the curated gallery of the Rainmeter Group or browse through the Rainmeter Category gallery for a wide range of resources.

Reddit (/r/Rainmeter)
The Rainmeter community on Reddit is an excellent resource for gathering ideas, tips, and sharing creations with others using Rainmeter. Join to engage with like-minded enthusiasts and explore what’s possible with Rainmeter.

Rainmeter Forums
A lesser-known fact is that many of the most innovative and fresh Rainmeter skins are developed right here in the forums on rainmeter.net.

/r/Rainmeter Discord
The unofficial /r/Rainmeter Discord is an excellent platform to chat and exchange ideas with other users about desktop setups and skins.

deviantArt hosts one of the largest online repositories of Rainmeter resources. Explore the curated gallery of the Rainmeter Group or browse through the Rainmeter Category gallery for a wide range of resources.

As with anything you download from the internet, a certain amount of caution is advised when downloading and installing Rainmeter skins you get from other than rainmeter.net directly.